YEAR 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Jackson

Mr Playford

Ms Moore

Welcome to
Year 6.png 

Summer Term




Class Updates:

    • Well done to all the Year 6's who have now completed their SATs!
      They have all worked really hard.



Class Information:

What will I need each day?

  • Monday - water bottle; reading book;
  • Tuesday - water bottle; reading book;
  • Wednesday - water bottle; reading book; PE Kit; homework due
  • Thursday - water bottle; reading book; take homework task home
  • Friday - water bottle; reading book; PE Kit/Apron for cookery/Forest School Attire (to be confirmed in advance);


What should I wear for P.E?

  • Plain black shorts / skorts / leggings / joggers.
  • Plain white T-shirt / polo shirt.
  • Plain black or red jumper / hoodie.
  • Trainers.
  • Long hair should be tied back.
  • NO JEWELLERY. Please ensure earrings are not worn on PE days. 


When can I change my reading book?

You shall continue to have 1 reading book. Everyone will be heard read by staff in school every week and we shall keep records in class to track your progress.

Your yellow reading record will need to go home every evening in your book folder along with your reading book and be used by a grown-up to record when and how you read. Please bring it back to school everyday with your reading book. Please ensure that your yellow reading record has been signed by a grown-up from home.


What will we be learning about this term?

English -  Ghost/Scary Stories, Playscripts, Non-chronlogical Reports, Discussion Texts, Recounts and Persuasion, Shakespearean Poetey
Maths -  Arithmetic and Reasoning
Topic -  The Americas (Georgraphy
Science -  Animals inclduing Humans: Gowth and Life Cylce  /  Living Things and their Habitats 
Computing -  SketchUp 3D  /  Radio Station (Podcasts)
Art -  Printing & College: Pop Art
DT -  Food and Nutrition: Global Foods
RE -  Eternity  /  Justic & Freedom
PSHE -  Democracy
PE -   Invasions Games
Spanish -  In the Classroom  /  Our Wonderful World
Music -  Recorder Stage 2  /  Music Through Time


Remember, if you have any questions, comments or issues, just send an email to

[email protected]


Mr Playford




[email protected]


Ms Moore




Looking forward to another exciting term!


Mr Playford & Ms Moore


Files to Download

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Contact the School

Castle Primary School and Nursery

Mow Cop Road, Mow Cop, Stoke-on-Trent
Staffordshire, ST7 4NE

If you wish to request a paper copy of information on our website please use the school email.

Main Contact: Miss J Mason

Tel: 01782 433218
[email protected]

SEN Contact: Miss J Mason

SEN Email: [email protected]