YEAR 3 2024 - 2025

Miss Mason

Mrs Bours

Mr Alexandridis

Ms Moore



As usual, we have a few changes to the timetable so please check out the information below to see what's in store. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me:

[email protected]

Year 3&4 Timetable Autumn.JPG



Class Information:

What will I need each day?

  • Monday - water bottle, reading book and record.
  • Tuesday - water bottle, reading book and record.
  • Wednesday - water bottle, homework, reading book, record and come to school wearing the PE kit.
  • Thursday - water bottle, reading book and record.
  • Friday - water bottle, reading book, record and come to school wearing the PE Kit.


What should I wear for P.E?

  • Plain black shorts / skorts / leggings / joggers.
  • Plain white T-shirt / polo shirt.
  • Plain black or red jumper / hoodie.
  • Trainers.
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • NO JEWELLERY. Please ensure earrings are not worn on PE days. 


When can I change my reading book?

You will have 1 reading book this year which needs to be kept with your reading record and taken home each evening and brought to school each day.

Everyone will be heard read by staff in school every week and we shall keep records in class to track your progress. Books will be changed when it's appropriate.

Your reading record will need to go home with your reading book and be used by a grown-up to record when and how you read.  Your reading record must be signed by a grown-up from home at least once a week.



Homework will be given out on Thursday each week. The children will be given one piece of English or Maths work to complete each week. They should read at home every night for roughly 20 minutes. Spellings will be available to practice on Edshed but they may be practiced in a written style, if preferred and they will then be tested the following Thursday.

All homework must be complete and returned on a Wednesday.


What will we be learning about this term?


Science - Electricity and Sound.

Geography -  Our European Neighbours

History - World War II

Computing - Online Safety & Word Processing

Art / DT - LS Lowry & Battery Operated Lights

RE - Christianity & Judaism

PSHE - Caring for the Environment & Health

Spanish - Let's Go & My Body

English - Science Fiction, Diaries, World War II Poetry, Visual Texts, Recount and Poetry Through Art.

Maths - Place Value, Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication & Division and Area.

PE - Invasion Games, Football, Dance & Dodgeball.


Who will be teaching which lessons?

  • Mr Alexandridis:- English, Computing, PE, Year 3 Maths, Personal Development and Reading.
  • Miss Moore:- Spanish, PE and Computing.
  • Miss Mason:- Year 4 Maths and Art/DT.
  • Mrs Bours:- Topic, Music/Drama, PSHE and RE.


Please do keep checking here for any class updates and if you have any questions or concerns, contact me at [email protected].

Alternatively Class Dojo may be used too. 




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Contact the School

Castle Primary School and Nursery

Mow Cop Road, Mow Cop, Stoke-on-Trent
Staffordshire, ST7 4NE

If you wish to request a paper copy of information on our website please use the school email.

Main Contact: Miss J Mason

Tel: 01782 433218
[email protected]

SEN Contact: Miss J Mason

SEN Email: [email protected]